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What is the difference between var, let and const?
In javascript there is three option available to declare a variable, these are var, let and const. Var is a functional-scoped that means there is by default hoisting feature available but let and const is block-scoped so there is no hoisting feature.
Var variable can re-declarable but let and const are not. Var and let value are re-assignable but const value not be re-assignable.

What is the difference between arrow function and regular function?
The regular function is create by usual function keyword, But the arrow function is create by arrow sign. Regular function is the old way to create a function but the arrow function is modern javascript (ES6) feature.
Regular function can call before declaration because of javascript hoisting feature but the arrow function can't call before it declaration.

What is the differences between map, forEach, filter and find?
The map method is return a new array and does not allow to change the original arrow, But forEach method is return undefined and it change the original array. The filter method is return multiple elements array that matched condition, but the
find method return first matched element(One element only) with matched condition.

What is the use case of template literals?
The template literals is a modern javascript feature by that we can include variables and expression in a string.
Template literals is also allow to write multi-column code with simple way.